Katlyn Sansone
AP 1 -Jennifer McKnight
Project 1- Type Specimen Poster
Project 1- Type Specimen Poster
This project's objective was to create a typeface out of found matter, then display the typeface two ways: once in a poster showcasing the face, and once showing how it could be used and its versatility. I chose to create my typeface using melted crayons. My goal was for the viewer to be able to smell my poster- just by looking at crayon wax. I wanted it to be fun and bold.
In my poster, I really wanted to convey the various connotations that crayons hold. Child-like, fun, active, and most of all, colorful. I used the real-life set up for the creation of the typeface as my backdrop. I used Gotham as my secondary typeface.

Below is a wider view of my work station. I am honestly surprised none of my neighbors called the fire department on me.

For the secondary piece, I created a poster advertising a faux teacher night. This really highlights the mount of detail in each letter.

Love in the bag: Just as an extra, I also created a comedy night poster, showing the different ways the typeface can be used. Minus the color, it transforms into a punchy and loud statement typeface.